According to the latest statistics from Netmarketshare , Windows 10 finally surpassed Windows 7 by the end of 2018 when data showed that in December 2018, Windows 10 accounted for 39.22% market share, more a bit compared to 36.90% market share of Windows 7 . This is information that Microsoft has been waiting for so long. 

It took a lot of time, but Windows 10 has now become the most used desktop operating system 

Windows 10 was officially released in 2015 with the ambition of becoming an operating system for one billion Microsoft devices in less than two years. Although Windows 10 has not yet reached that goal, at least it has surpassed its biggest obstacle - Windows 7. Many original Windows fans have continued to use Windows 7 despite Microsoft's introduction of some user-friendly features on Windows 10. Microsoft also calls Windows 10 the most secure because the operating system is always up to date. Monthly security patch from Microsoft itself . 

When Microsoft officially stopped supporting Windows 7 for exactly one year in January 2020 , it is likely that more and more Windows 7 users will have to " bite their teeth " and upgrade to Windows 10. Since most Windows 7 users are Using the business version, Microsoft will have strong moves to push its partners to switch to the latest Windows 10. 


Windows 10 did not have an easy trip. Unlike other operating systems, Windows 10 faces fierce competition from its predecessors and fans don't want to upgrade to the latest OS. But now, Windows 10 has become the most used desktop operating system in the world , although there are many different issues around Windows 10. 

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